
“Lindsly was such a blessing for my son, Aziz. He made great strides in the 6 months that she worked with him. Even though she is no longer here my son will still ask for her when I say it's time to go to therapy. Her patience, dedication, love for her clients, and love of her profession as an OT is undeniable. Lindsly did not just provide therapy to my son, she made it a point to connect with him and our family. She always took the time to listen to any concerns I had and help me figure out what worked best for him at home. We are forever grateful and thankful for all her support.”


Claudia E.


"My daughter Alia was a patient of Lindsly from 2016 to 2021. From the very first session, she was nothing but loving, attentive and supportive. At the time having a child require outpatient services was brand new to us and we had no idea what to expect, where to begin or how long this road would last. Lindsly helped us not only come up with goals, but taught us what to expect, answered many many questions and even guided us on how to find additional information. She is very knowledgeable, experienced and an excellent occupational therapist but what makes her exceptional is how she truly cares for her patients. Lindsly always went above and beyond for our daughter, even becoming a strong advocate for her as well. She not only helped my daughter reach goal after goal but also pushed her to reach her potential in the most caring and loving way. Because of Lindsly and her hard work and determination my daughter continues to improve and thrive. You see my daughter has whats considered a terminal condition with no cure and her main issue is having her body shut down when she is physically pushed to the max. Not once in five years did Lindsly push my daughter’s body to the max yet in those five years the progress made has been phenomenal. Lindsly may no longer be our therapist but she has become a very dear friend and continues to check in on us. It’s hard not to say us because Lindsly not only helped our daughter tremendously in her sessions but she always made sure to include the family(us) along the way. We will forever be grateful and thankful for our time with Lindsly and all of her love and support she gives us even to this day. We just know she will continue to change her patient’s lives for the better for many years to come."
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Words cannot express how much Lindsly did for my son. Before my son started therapy with Lindsley, he was very dependent on me. He showed progress in both his clinical sessions and academically during the school year. She treated my son as one of her own and took the time to focus on his biggest struggles. Also, I really felt that she listened to me and gave me support when I needed it most to get through some of the hardest times with my son. Now, his most famous words are “I got this mom”. Thank you for your sincere dedication to make sure my son can grow to be successful in life.


There are not enough words to express how grateful we are for the services Mrs. Pittman provide for Jhony! From the very first session, she was nothing but honest, with a mind set to help, loving, attentive and supportive. Mrs. Pittman set realistic and achievable goals for our son. She taught us so much about our son’s sensory needs and development. Additionally, she always provided strategies, techniques, realistic goals, encouragement and resources that significantly improved his behavior and milestones. We saw so much progress within a short time of working with her. Most importantly, our son adores her and genuinely enjoyed every section. Mrs. Pittman is one of a kind, very knowledgeable, understanding, and dedicated to set children for success. We admire her for how hard she work with our son!

Love, Castañeda Family