What We Do
“Play is our brains favorite way of learning”
-Diane Ackerman
Our Mission
To provide excellent care that strengthens the lives of the children and the families we serve with compassion, integrity, and honor.
“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning” - Mr. Rodgers
What We Do
New Heights provides camps and workshops to children within the area to facilitate skill development in a small group setting. Children with various diagnoses or limitations can sometimes fall behind their peers in regards to Fine motor/visual motor development, social skills, gross motor development, oral motor delays, and nutritional intake, just to name a few. Our camps are set up to teach both the child and the family new techniques and tips to assist in areas of delay.
Upcoming Workshops:
School Readiness Workshop: This workshop is filled with fun and creative ways to develop fine motor and visual motor skills needed for success within the classroom. Skills addressed will include but are not limited to: handwriting, cutting, coloring, drawing, and social development. Age: 4-7 years old
Social Integration/Community Involvement Workshop: This workshop will focus on social development with peers as well as in the community. It will be spread over a 2 week time period to allow for time together as a group in a controlled setting in addition to various outings including the grocery store, department store, and restaurant. In this workshop we will discuss the use of social norms and appropriate behavior in various settings. Age Range: varied based on interest
Individual Treatment:
Individual treatment sessions are also provided in a one on one setting. These services will include evaluation and treatment based on the needs of the child. An extensive evaluation will be completed to identify problematic areas at which time a treatment plan will be put together to facilitate the goals created by both the therapist and the family. Common areas of concern include: fine motor/visual motor delay, gross motor delay, oral motor insufficiencies, feeding aversion, delayed milestones, torticollis, sensory processing difficulties, and deficits in basic activities of daily living (such as dressing, eating, toileting, feeding, sleeping, grooming, and bathing.)